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What does ‘Gen’ mean in Kpop terms?

Main Post:

I’m pretty new to Kpop and I have seen the term ‘Gen’ thrown around a lot and I don’t exactly know what it means

I take it that it means Generation. But is it like professional wrestling (another fandom I’m in) where “Second Generation” means that the star and their father are both wrestlers, an example of this is Cody Rhodes who’s father (Dusty Rhodes) was also a professional wrestler

Is Kpop in a similar way in which generation means that the idol’s parents were also kpop stars or does it mean something else?

Top Comment:

gens are the time frames in which artists debut. there's some disagreement in the community where gens start and end but generally 90s to early/mid 2000s is 1st gen, early/mid 2000s to 2011/2012 is 2nd gen, 2011/2012 to 2017/2018 is 3rd gen, 2017/2018 to 2022/2023 is 4th gen. and 2022/2023 on is 5th gen. for example, bts would be a 3rd gen group since they debuted in 2013!

April 24, 2024 | Forum: r/kpoppers